Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Traffic Tip Tuesdays: Riding in the Back of Trucks
There was a time in the not-too-distant past, when it was common to see children riding in the back of pickup trucks, especially in neighborhoods. Just as a reminder, that is against state law.
Sec. 21-1121.
An individual may not drive a Class E truck vehicle on a highway in the state while a passenger under the age of 16 years is riding in an unenclosed bed of the vehicle.
-A vehicle traveling at a speed of not more than 25 miles per hour
-The transportation of an employee to or from a work site by the employer of the employee
-An individual in a vehicle engaged in farming operations
The fine for driving a vehicle on a highway with a passenger under the age of 16 in the unenclosed bed of a vehicle is $70 and one point assessed on a driver’s license or $110 and three points assessed on a license if contributing to an accident.