Friday, May 31, 2019

Emergency Response Team (ERT) Graduation

Correctional Officers from the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office, along with correctional officers from Calvert and Charles County, graduated from an arduous 56 hour training program to become Emergency Response Team (ERT) certified.  The Emergency Response Team is a specialized group of correctional officers who receive additional training and are activated in emergencies which can include medical emergencies, fights, riots, attempted escapes, etc. Congratulations to Corporal Luis E. Ramos-Dompenciel, Correctional Officers Casey G. Hill, Alexander M. Mueller, and Brandon M. Reynolds. Courthouse Deputy William Hill, who retired from the Sheriff's Office as a sergeant, pinned the ERT insignia on his son C/O Hill's shirt. Deputy Hill served on the ERT Team when he was a correctional officer.

 (Pictured left to right C/O Casey Hill, Cpl. Luis Ramos-Dompenciel, C/O Brandon Reynolds, C/O      Alexander Mueller