Several men and women of the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office were recognized for excellence and outstanding service for the final quarter of 2018. "These awards to me are about leadership," Sheriff Tim Cameron told the recipients on Wednesday. And these employees went above and beyond in what is expected of them in their daily duties and responsibilities, he said.
Deputy of the Quarter: Sgt. Cory Ellis
Sheriff Tim Cameron and Sgt. Cory Ellis |
Correctional Officer of the Quarter: CO Alexander Tasciotti
Meritorious Service: Lt. Kenneth Cusic, Cpl. Angela Delozier and Rhonda Wathen
Sheriff Tim Cameron and Lt. Kenneth Cusic |
Sheriff Tim Cameron and Cpl. Angela Delozier |
Sheriff Tim Cameron and Rhonda Wathen |
Lifesaving: Trooper Michael Posch, DFC Lacey Smith and DFC Gerard Muschette
Sheriff Tim Cameron, DFC Lacey Smith and Trooper Michael Posch |
Commendation: Cpl. Angela Delozier, CO Zachary Jerew, Deputy Phillip Henry, Deputy Richard Forbes and Deputy Benjamin Raley
Sheriff's Salute: Sgt. Shawn Moses, Sgt. Michael Boyer, Cpl. William Ray, Cpl. Dale Reppel, Cpl. Timothy Snyder, Cpl. Jason Graves, Cpl. Glen Knott, Cpl. Vincent Pontorno, Cpl. Rozier Steinbach, CO David Sewell, Deputy Matthew Beyer, Deputy Tyler Payne, Deputy Courtney Edwards, Frances Gunn, Glenda Thompson, Lotti Bell, Stephanie Bates, Anna Allison and Maria Neme
Sheriff Tim Cameron, Cpl. Vincent Pontorno, Sgt. Shawn Moses, Cpl. William Ray and Cpl. Timothy Snyder |
Sheriff Tim Cameron, Maria Neme, Stephanie Bates and Lotti Bell |
Sheriff Tim Cameron and Cpl. Jason Graves |
Sheriff Tim Cameron and CO David Sewell |
Sheriff Tim Cameron and Frances Gunn |
Sheriff Tim Cameron and Glenda Thompson |
Team Award: Lt. Douglas Mills, Sgt. Mark Porter, Sgt. William Raddatz, Cpl. Patrick Handy, Cpl. Ronald Maloy, Cpl. Elizabeth O'Connor, Cpl. Shaun Carberry, Cpl. James Stone, Cpl. Scott Ruest, Cpl. Glen Knott, Cpl. Austin Schultz, Cpl. Sheena Tirpak, DFC John Davis, DFC Carl Ball, Deputy David Lawrence, Deputy Shawn Shelko, Deputy Tyler Westphal and Deputy John Fenwick
Sheriff Tim Cameron, Cpl. Elizabeth O'Connor, Sgt. William Raddatz, Cpl. Shaun Carberry and Cpl. Austin Schultz |