Today, this amazing lady came to Sheriff's Office headquarters. Her name is Denna Taggart and she asked to meet with Detective Corporal Bill Raddatz in person. Bill was out of the office. Detective Ellis offered to deliver the card to Bill, however Mrs. Taggart insisted on waiting. Mrs. Taggart waited in her car for nearly an hour.

She thanked her 6 year old son, Connor, for bringing home Christmas gifts for the entire family. Bill added he had seen Connor initially leaving Walmart without a single gift for himself. Connor only bought a toy for himself after Bill sent him back inside with the Trooper.
With tears in her eyes, Mrs. Taggart told Bill, "I wanted to see you in person to tell you that you made a difference. I'm so very thankful for our police officers and what you all do. I had no idea Shop With A Cop existed. Thank you so much. Thank you."
What is Shop With A Cop? - This story IS Shop With A Cop.