On Thursday, August 21, 2014,
at 2:00 PM, Triad/SALT (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) of St. Mary’s County will
host a Self-Defense Seminar at Victory Woods Senior Apartments, 22611 FDR
Boulevard, Lexington Park, Maryland. The presenter will be Wayne Dean, owner of
Dean’s Okinawan Martial Arts and Self Defense. Mr. Dean will focus his
presentation on Self-Defense for seniors which will include:
Break-Away Techniques: the skills and techniques
to break-away and protect you in aggressive situations where one has been
threatened or physically assaulted.
Pressure Point Areas: the ability to locate
“pressure point areas” on the human body to defend oneself.
Cane-Fu Self Defense: seniors with and without
disabilities will learn how to use a cane to defend themselves from physical
harassment and assault.
There is one important psychological factor to remember
regarding self-defense. You are
strengthening yourself and becoming more equipped to handle hostile situations!
Registration is not required, but encouraged. This event is
open to the public and FREE of charge. To register, call 301-475-4200, ext.