Monday, September 25, 2017
Sheriff Tim Cameron Participated in Special Session of HSMP Meeting
California, Maryland - On September 21, 2017, Sheriff Tim Cameron and Captain Eric Sweeney attended a special session of the 2017 Healthy St. Mary's Partnership, (HSMP), annual meeting to discuss the Maryland Overdose Response Program at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center. Sheriff Cameron was a member of an all-star panel of speakers and community leaders; Dr. Meena Brewster, Dr. Kathleen O'Brien, and Superintendent J. Scott Smith. The session included presentations on efforts at the state and local levels in response to the growing epidemic. Attendees also learned how to recognize the signs and symptoms of opioid overdose, the importance of calling 9 1 1 in medical emergencies, and how to administer naloxone and provide care until help arrives.